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We have focused on the following areas; Hausvik fort, Marka, Tjørveneset, Nordberg fort, Varnes fort, Hågåsen at Hidra, and Festung Lista's museum in Hangar 45 at former Lista Airfield.
Later on we will post some maps and pictures from the different areas, and also the different bunkertypes.
HKB Hitterøy 21./978
HKB Hitterøy which is located at Hågåsen on the island Hidra, was a coastal fortress with 4 K332(f) canons, which are French Schneider 105mm canons. It was planned to build two casemattes (R671), but this was never started. The building of the commandbunker was just started. There are also two tunnels several ammunitionbunkers, 20mm flak positions, several MG-positions, and a position for a searchlight.
HKB Varnes 22./978
Varnes fort was a coastal fortress with 4 K332(f) canons, which are French Schneider 105mm canons. Two of these were mounted in casemattes (R671), while the last two were put in open positions. There is also a long tunnel with several sidetunnels, commandbunker, positions for bombthrowers, and positions for searchlight and rangefinder.
HKB Marka 23./978
Marka was defined as a "Heeres küstenbatterie", which was a Army coastal battery. It consisted of six 150mm K16 canons, eleven ammunitionbunkers (normally two or three!), commandbunker, two firecontrolbunkers, and several personellbunkers. In addition there were two big Wurzburg Riese radars and one Freya radar, and a aircontrolcenter, even if these did not belong to the coastal battery in an organizational manner. There was also a sidetrack of the railroad that reached from Lundevågen to the airport.
HKB Hausvik 25./978
Hausvik fort was a coastal fortress in Lyngdal municipality, which consisted of several tunnels, 4 K332(f) canons, which are French Schneider 105mm canons. There was also two fast-shooting russian 88mm flak-canons there. The building of two casemattes (R671) for the canons and a commandbunker, was started but never finished. There were also several smaller bunkers and MG-positions in the area.
Stutzpunkt 03 Flakbatterie Tjørveneset
Tjørveneset was the heaviest fortified area which was not defined as a fortress. In this area there were used more than 11.000 cubicmeters of concrete, and almost 500 tons of steel. The thirtheen bunkers at Tjørveneset are the only ones of their kind in Norway. There are bunkers for six 88mm anti aircraft canons, which was the mostly feared weapon of the WW2. There are also bunkers for a 150cm searchlight, radar, and ammunition. There are also a primary and a secondary commandbunker and three bunkers for 20mm anti aircraft canons.
MKB Nordberg 5./503
Nordberg fort was a Marine Küstenbatterie, which was a Naval coastal battery, which had four open positions for 150 mm canons, but only three of these were in place during WW2. These were moved from the first position, MKB Lister, at Stave. There are long trenches with small bunkers several wooden barracks, and a foundation for a Wurzburg radar at the top of the hill. A FuMO Seeriese, which was the naval version of the more famous Wurzburg Riese (which is mounted outside Hangar 45 today). There are also some anti aircraft positions on the hill north of the fortress. The Lista department of Vest-Agder museum, is today located at Nordberg fort. They have built a new museumbuilding which opened in 2009. The officersmess at Nordberg fort has some beautiful ceiling and wallpaintings, which are worth the trip by themselves.
Hangar 45
Festung Lista's museum in Hangar 45 has an excibition concisting of several vehicles, canons and other weapons, several searchlights and a lot of smaller objects. There are also a model of Lista, which was used by the German forces for planning during WW2. This model was given to the local museum at the end of the war. A model of the first runway, with models of all the 90 aircrafts that were on the airport at the liberation at May 8th 1945. This is built inn the scale 1:72, and it is 16 meters long. The airport at Lista was the airport in Norway with the largest number of aircrafts, at the liberation. Outside the hangar is a restored Wurzburg Riese aircraftradar mounted on a copy of the original foundations. The antenna has a diameter of approximately 7,5 meter. |