In the exhibition in hangar 45 we have the following vehicles;
Several GMC 2,5t trucks in different variants. There are standard trucks, tipper, workshop, and an airborne model. The airborne model, which as the name states, can be drop from an airplane in two parts, with a parachute on each part.
A couple of Dodge's, with and without winch. These are designated WC51 and WC52.

An AEC Matador, which is a British field artillery tractor with 4-wheel drive and a powerful winch.
A Morric Commercial C4, with 4-wheel drive. This one was previously used to pull boats across from Listeid to Sigersvoll.
The Amfibium, or DUKW, which is the correct name for it, is in priciple a GMC truck. More than 21.000 of these were produced, and many of these were used at the invasion in Normandy, at june 6th 1944. The one we have in our collection, was used as a sea-rescue vehicle at Østhassel rescuestation, until 1972.
A jeep, or more correct a Ford GPW 1942 model. There are many variants of the jeep. The where made by either Ford or Willys Overland. Fords model is named GPW, while Wilys Overlands model is named Jeep. The car has 4 wheeel drive. The Norwegian army got a lot of these cars as a part of the Marshall-aid. Approximately 650.000 cars of these two types where built during WW2!
A Chevrolet G506 1,5t 4x4. Hundreds of thousands of this truck where built during WW2.
We have several different versions of the CMP. CMP is short for Canadian Military Pattern truck. These are Ford or Chevrolet trucks which are produced on a license, in Canada. There were made several different versions, depending on the length of the truck, area of use, number of axles, and other criteries. There are models like C15, C30, og C60S and C60L, which where the Chevrolet versions, while the Ford versions where designated F15, F30, F60S, and F60L. We have several versions in our collection.
An old Norwegian made Tempo motorcycle.
A DKW motorcycle, which was actually stolen from some German soldiers during WW2, and later on sold to one of our members.
An Ariel motorcycle.
A Russian copyof a BMW R12 motorcycle, with sidecar.